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Herstory Museum
* Our walk-though experience was rendered unavailable by a server fire.
An archival video and the rest of the museum remains available.
Anchor 1

While thousands of women played key roles in the development and deployment of modern computing and the Internet in the United States, their names and their contributions have often gone unrecognized.
Meet some of these remarkable pioneers and learn about their contributions to the technology revolution.
Audio - all
Do you know a U.S. woman in computing over 65 (or deceased) who should be included in the next update?
Have a source to contribute to expand a profile? See a bug?
Let us know. Is the woman an international pioneer? Add the pioneer to our international spreadsheets.
* * *
We are still building out the museum reading room and viewing lounge.
In the meantime, check out these excellent books on computing history and some of the pioneers in our museum:
Jason Fagone, The Woman Who Smashed Codes (2018).
Mar Hicks, Programmed Inequality (2019).
Liza Mundy, Code Girls (2017).
and these books about Dr. Grace Hopper
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