PILOT lab is an international community of academic and practitioner experts who work across disciplinary lines on projects of shared interest.
The team at PILOT lab is composed of our Founding Director, our post-graduate fellows, our international peer centers, a group of external academic and practitioner affiliates, and collaborating faculty across Penn State.
The lab's research is also supported by the Penn State graduate students from law, engineering, and other disciplines enrolled in Prof. Matwyshyn's PILOT lab technology policy practicum class, as well as by additional graduate and undergraduate research assistants from across Penn State.

Prof. Andrea M. Matwyshyn is the Founding Director of PILOT lab.
Professor Matwyshyn is a Professor of Law and Engineering Policy/Associate Dean of Innovation at Penn State Law and a Professor in SEDI, Penn State Engineering.
Michael Antonino (2020-2022)
Microsoft Technology Fellow, Penn State Law
Mike Antonino is a Microsoft Post-Graduate Fellow at Penn State Law, supporting the work of PILOT Lab. At the PILOT Lab, he works on all of the PILOT Lab's technology policy and law initiatives, including projects related to information security, digital competition, and internet consumer protection. Mike is a graduate from Penn State Law where he focused his studies on information security law and data privacy law. While completing his JD, Mike worked as a research assistant for Professor Andrea Matwyshyn. It was during this time that Mike created the Facebook EULA of Despair, a fully interactive map of all the companies that receive user data from Facebook, in an effort to uncover just how far that user data travels after it has been handed over.
Rim Boujnah (2020-2021)
Microsoft Technology Fellow, Penn State Law
Rim Boujnah is a Tunisian lawyer holding an LL.M. degree from Penn State Law, where she earned a Concentration recognition in the Specialized Fields of Study of "National Security, Military, and Veterans" and "Energy and Environmental Law". She also holds a Masters degree in Common Law from the University of Carthage-Tunis, after defending her Thesis, "Freedom of expression and internet regulation in the MENA region." Rim's research focuses on information security and cyber-security issues.She has previously worked as a legal counsel in a Tunisian law firm and as a project coordinator in several Tunisian organizations funded by International bodies (AU, EU, NED, etc.) working on Human Rights and Civic Education. Rim is a certified international trainer on project management and capacity building within the THK-MitOst Network. She has won the 2019 John Roe Student Sustainability Award at PSU and the Jonathan Blake Spirit of the Moot Award following her participation in the Price Media Law Moot Court organized by Oxford University.
PILOT lab is also pleased to collaborate with the following expert professional and international academic affiliates on projects of shared interest.

Maria Bjarnadottir
María Rún Bjarnadóttir is an Icelandic lawyer and Vice Chair of the Icelandic Media Commission. She received a PhD in Law at the University of Sussex. Her research titled: “Does the internet limit human rights protection?” builds on her experience working for the Icelandic Government Offices in relevant fields of law; human rights, data protection and telecommunication. In her research she explores the effects jurisdiction has on enforcement of domestic legislation in the digital sphere with a particular focus on human rights obligations of states. She has represented Icelandic authorities in the promotion and development of human rights and data protection through regional and international cooperation. She has also chaired and been a member of a number of intergovernmental committees in Iceland. Maria holds B.A. and Mag. Jur. Degrees from the University of Iceland.

Ian Brown
Dr. Ian Brown is a senior fellow at Research ICT Africa on the cybersecurity policy team, developing a conceptual framework for cyber-capacity, human rights, and development and on setting up cyber-capacity maturity assessments in Sub-Saharan countries. He is also the CyberBRICS visiting professor at FGV Rio, and an ACM Distinguished Scientist. Ian was previously the principal scientific officer at the UK government’s Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the Associate Director of Oxford University’s Cyber Security Centre/ Professor of Information Security and Privacy at the Oxford Internet Institute. He has worked as a consultant for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime on their study of global cybercrime. For the OECD, he co-authored with Peter Sommer the 2010 report “Reducing Systemic Cybersecurity Risk”. His most recent books are Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age (with Christopher T. Marsden) (2013, MIT Press) and Research Handbook on Governance of the Internet (editor, 2013, Edward Elgar).

Trevor Callaghan
Trevor Callaghan is a solicitor and the former general counsel of Google Deepmind.

Jennifer Chandler
Jennifer A. Chandler holds the Bertram Loeb Research Chair at the University of Ottawa, leading several research teams addressing trust in the organ and tissue donation system, family decision-making at end of life, and the law and ethics of ante-mortem interventions intended to support organ donation. She is an elected member of the Board of Directors of the International Neuroethics Society, and serves on international editorial boards in the field, including Clinical Neuroethics (part of the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics), the Springer Book Series Advances in Neuroethics, and the Palgrave-MacMillan Book Series Law, Neuroscience and Human Behavior. She is also a member of the international advisory boards for the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière (ICM) Neuroethics Network (Paris), and the Société française de psychologie juridique (Paris).She contributes to work on legal policy and the administration of justice in Canada as a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, and is active in public policy in organ donation and transplantation as a member of the ethics committees of the Ontario Trillium Gift of Life Network and Canadian Society of Transplantation. She is also a co-lead of the Research Core on Ethics, Law and Society for the Canadian National Transplant Research Program. She is a member of the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics, where she co-leads the interdisciplinary working group on Power, Vulnerability and Health.

Joshua Corman
Joshua Corman is a Founder of I am The Cavalry (dot org) and CSO for PTC. Corman previously served as Director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative for the Atlantic Council, CTO for Sonatype, Director of Security Intelligence for Akamai, and in senior research, analyst, & strategy roles. He co-founded RuggedSoftware and IamTheCavalry to encourage new security approaches in response to the world’s increasing dependence on digital infrastructure. Josh's unique approach to security in the context of human factors, adversary motivations, and social impact has helped position him as one of the most trusted names in security. He also serves as an adjunct faculty for Carnegie Mellon’s Heinz College, a Cyber Safety Innovation Fellow for the Atlantic Council, and was a member of the Congressional Task Force for Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity.

Andrea Coravos
Andy Coravos (@andreacoravos) is the CEO/co-founder of Elektra Labs, building a digital medicine platform with an initial focus on digital biomarkers for decentralized clinical trials, and a research collaborator at the Harvard-MIT Center for Regulatory Sciences. Formerly, she served as an Entrepreneur in Residence at the FDA working in the Digital Health Unit (DHU), focusing on the Pre-Cert program and policies around software-as-a-medical-device and AI/ML. Previously, Andy worked as a software engineer at Akili Interactive Labs, a leading digital therapeutic company. Before grad school, Andy worked at KKR, a private equity firm, and at McKinsey & Company, a management consulting firm, where she focused on the healthcare industry. She serves on the Board of the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe), and she’s an advisor to the Biohacking Village at DEF CON.

Oliver Day
Oliver Day is a senior security operations engineer and previously founded the non-profit Securing Change where he worked on lowering the security poverty line for those making the world a better place. Oliver previously worked at security positions for Akamai, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, @stake, and eEye Digital Security but started his career as a humble tech support engineer for Dell. He has co-authored papers in the fields of computer security and law.

Melanie Dulong de Rosnay
Dr. Melanie Dulong de Rosnay is an associate research professor at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and head of the Information and Commons Research Group at the Institute for Communication Sciences of CNRS/Sorbonne Université. Her current appointments include managing board member of Internet Policy Review, vice-president of the board of OpenEdition scientific publishing platform and of Knowledge Ecology International Europe, and board member of the CNRS National Committee Interdisciplinary Commission on Methods, practices, and communications of science and techniques. She co-founded in 2011 Communia association on the digital public domain, which she represented at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). She was Creative Commons France co-founder and legal lead (2003-2013) at CERSA CNRS/University Paris 2. She was also a visiting fellow at the London School of Economics, Department of Media and Communications from 2013 to 2017. After her PhD and before obtaining tenure, she was employed as a researcher staff member by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School, Nexa Center for Internet & Society at Politecnico di Torino, and the Institute for Information Law of the University of Amsterdam.

Lilian Edwards
Lilian Edwards is a Scottish UK-based academic and frequent speaker on issues of Internet law, intellectual property and artificial intelligence. She is on the Advisory Board of the Open Rights Group and the Foundation for Internet Privacy Research and is the Professor of Law, Innovation and Society at Newcastle Law School at Newcastle University. She has taught information technology law, e-commerce law, privacy law and Internet law at undergraduate and postgraduate level since 1996 and been involved with law and artificial intelligence (AI) since 1985. She has co-edited (both with Charlotte Waelde and alone) four editions of a textbook, Law and the Internet (later Law, Policy and the Internet); the fourth edition appeared in 2018. She won the Barbara Wellberry Memorial Prize in 2004 for work on online privacy and data trusts. A collection of her essays, The New Legal Framework for E-Commerce in Europe, was published in 2005. She is Associate Director, and was co-founder, of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Centre for IP and Technology Law (now SCRIPT). Edwards has consulted for the EU Commission, the OECD, and WIPO. Edwards co-chairs GikII, an annual series of international workshops on the intersections between law, technology and popular culture. Edwards is Deputy Director of CREATe, the Centre for Creativity, Regulation, Enterprise and Technology, a Research Councils UK research centre about copyright and business models.

Jen Ellis
Jen Ellis is the vice president of community and public affairs at Rapid7. Jen’s primary focus is on building productive collaboration between those in the security community and those operating outside it. She works extensively with security researchers, technology providers and operators, and various government entities to help them understand and address cybersecurity challenges. She believes effective collaboration is our only path forward to reducing cybercrime and protecting consumers and businesses. She has testified before Congress and spoken at a number of security industry and business events including SXSW, DEF CON, RSA, Derbycon, Shmoocon, SOURCE, and various BSides.

Carole Fennelly
Carole Fennelly is the founder and Principal Lead at CFennelly Consulting, LLC, which provides strategic guidance and executive level management support for cybersecurity initiatives. Ms. Fennelly authored some of the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Solaris and Red Hat benchmarks, which are used globally as configuration standards to secure IT systems. Ms. Fennelly is the co-founder of "Hacker Court,” a loose-knit group of government agents, lawyers and security professionals experienced with computer crime cases. Hacker Court was presented at Black Hat for 10 years to demonstrate the challenges of presenting technical evidence in a courtroom environment.

Rebecca Giblin
Rebecca Giblin is an ARC Future Fellow and Associate Professor within Monash University's Law Faculty. Her work uses a range of methods (including quantitative, qualitative, doctrinal and comparative) to build evidence about how intellectual property arrangements and other regulations are working in practice, and then proposes changes that would help them better achieve their aims. Her main research areas are copyright, technology regulation, and the regulation of culture (particularly how the law impacts the creation and dissemination of creative works).
Her books include Code Wars and What if we could reimagine copyright? (with Professor Kimberlee Weatherall). She is a Fellow of CREATe, the RCUK Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy, and a member of the Affiliated Faculty of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. Her current quantitative empirical work includes a project examining how investment in books changes depending on copyright status. Separately, we recently conducted a study of almost 100,000 e-books and almost 400,000 distinct licences to investigate publishers' pricing and licensing decision across five countries.

Andres Guadamuz
Dr Andres Guadamuz is a Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at the University of Sussex and the Editor in Chief of the Journal of World Intellectual Property. His main research areas are on digital copyright, open licensing, software protection, cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and complexity. Andres has published two books, the most recent one of which is "Networks, Complexity and Internet Regulation", and he regularly blogs at He has acted as an international consultant for the World Intellectual Property Organization, and since 2005, he has been involved with Creative Commons Scotland (while lecturer at University of Edinburgh and Associate Director of the SCRIPT Centre), Costa Rica and now the UK.

Seda Gurses
Dr. Seda Gürses is a researcher working in the group COSIC/ESAT at the Department of Electrical Engineering in K. U. Leuven, Belgium. Her topics of interest include privacy technologies, participatory design, feminist critique of computer science, and online social networks. She has a keen interest in the subject of anonymity in technical as well as cultural contexts, the spectrum being anywhere between anonymous communications and anonymous folk songs. Beyond her academic work, she also collaborates with artistic initiatives including Constant vzw, Bootlab, De-center, ESC in Brussels, Graz and Berlin.

Joris Von Hoboken
Joris van Hoboken is a Professor of Law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB) and a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam. He works on the intersection of fundamental rights protection (data privacy, freedom of expression, non-discrimination) and the governance of platforms and internet-based services. He is a specialist in European data protection, algorithmic governance and the regulation of internet intermediaries. At VUB, he is appointed to the Chair “Fundamental Rights and the Digital Transformation”, which is established at the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Law Science Technology & Society (LSTS).

​Jennifer E. Hill
Jennifer E. Hill is a serial entrepreneur and venture lawyer. She was formerly the COO of healthcare data tech company Remedy Analytics, a company dedicated to making prescriptions cheaper for patients. She was also previously the Co-Founder of FactSumo (formerly SixtyVocab), an online and mobile learning tools. Formerly she worked as a start-up/VC lawyer to SF, NYC and Latin American companies and funds. She also serves as an entrepreneurship & legal expert for MSNBC, AMEX OpenForum, and LinkedIn. Her volunteer work has included serving on boards and as an advisor to Gilda's Club of NYC and Astia.

Marcia Hofmann
Marcia Hofmann was formerly an attorney at Twitter and the founder and principal of Zeitgeist Law PC. She represents clients throughout the country in criminal and civil litigation and has written dozens of amicus briefs in high-impact cases, including in the Supreme Court. She also works with technology companies, researchers, journalists, artists, and others who need help navigating the murky laws surrounding access to computers and digital information. Marcia is special counsel to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a non-profit digital rights advocacy organization based in San Francisco, California. She speaks regularly at law and technology events and her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Slate, and Wired, among other publications. She has also taught as an adjunct professor at Colorado Law and the University of California Hastings College of the Law.
Prior to starting the practice, Marcia was a senior staff attorney at EFF specializing in digital civil liberties issues and hacking-related law. She also co-founded EFF’s open government litigation project. Documents uncovered through her government transparency work have been reported on by the New York Times, Washington Post, National Public Radio, and CNN, among others. Before joining EFF, Marcia was staff counsel and director of the Open Government Project at the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a non-profit educational center in Washington, DC.

Nick Leiserson
Nick Leiserson is a cybersecurity policy expert and technologist with more than 15 years of experience on Capitol Hill and at the White House. He was integral in the creation of the Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) and served as one of its first employees. He has been recognized for his work leading the creation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan and developing the Biden Administration’s approach to cybersecurity regulatory harmonization. He also created and executed the House legislative strategy for the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, which saw more than two dozen of the Commission’s recommendations enacted within nine months of its report being issued.
From 2022-25, Leiserson served as the Assistant National Cyber Director for Cyber Policy and Programs at ONCD. In this role, Leiserson led ONCD’s national cybersecurity policy development, including critical infrastructure protection, regulatory harmonization, cyber insurance, and software liability. His Directorate produced reports and policy proposals that influenced National Security Memoranda, Executive Orders, and legislation. He had previously served as ONCD’s Deputy Chief of Staff.
Prior to joining ONCD, Leiserson spent more than a decade on the staff of former Congressman James R. Langevin (RI-02) in various roles, most recently as his Chief of Staff. During his time on Capitol Hill, Leiserson was responsible for advising the Congressman on cybersecurity issues and served as his liaison to the Cyberspace Solarium Commission. Leiserson also served as the staff lead for the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus.
A Connecticut native, he holds a degree in computer science from Brown University.

Phoebe Li
Phoebe Li is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Sussex University in the UK. Her research interests revolve around intellectual property (IP), regulation of science and technology, development, and international trade. Her work aims to map the global commons in science and culture with a view to redressing polarization and inequality under globalization. She is particularly interested in exploring the convergence and divergence of risk regulation and IP in relation to emerging technologies. Dr Li is currently working on the Biomodifying technologies projects funded by the ESRC and the Leverhulme Trust, examining the emerging regulatory landscape of gene editing, iPSC and 3D bioprinting (with colleagues from Sussex, Oxford and York Universities). Dr Li is the Principal Investigator for the EPSRC funded project on mass customisation governance of Re-distributed Manufacturing in 3D bioprinting (with colleagues at Sussex, Exeter, and Loughborough Universities and the bioprinting company 3Dynamic Systems). She concluded an international collaborative project on 3D printing licensing in China at the AHRC Centre for Digital Copyright and IP Research in China (AHRC/Newton Fund), and another project on medical 3D printing and patent policy in China (funded by BILETA). She is an Advisor to the 3D Bioprinting Pioneering project for the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA). Dr Li is bilingual in English and Chinese. She received her PhD from Edinburgh University working on the adoption of risk analysis into compulsory licensing of pharmaceutical patents. She published a monograph ‘Health technologies and international intellectual property law: A precautionary approach’ in 2014 with Routledge (pb 2015) . She tweets @pillrabbit.

Chris Marsden
Dr. Christopher T. Marsden is Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Technology and the Law at Monash University. Formerly, he was the Professor of Internet Law at the University of Sussex since 2013, and Founder-Director of the Centre for Information Governance Research @SussCIGR. He was formerly Professor of Law at Essex, having previously taught and researched at Warwick, Oxford, LSE. He has both LL.B (1989) and LL.M (1994) in Law from LSE, Ph.D. from Essex. He has held Visiting Fellowships at Harvard, Melbourne, Cambridge, Oxford, USC-Annenberg, Keio, GLOCOM Tokyo, and FGV Rio de Janeiro. He is author of five books on Internet law. He has 25 years’ experience in Information Society analysis, research and consulting in academic, thinktank (World Economics Forum, RAND Europe, RE: Think!), government (Independent Television Commission) and commercial (Media Week, MCI WorldCom UK, Shortmedia) organisations. He has consulted for the governments of South Korea, Netherlands, UK, Ireland, Thailand, Japan, the European Commission, European Parliament, Council of Europe, OECD, Commonwealth. He has worked on four continents in these roles. He chaired the ESRC European Media Regulation Group 1998-2000. He chaired the European Presidency High-Level Conference on broadband policy in 2010, and was the only academic expert invited to address the European Parliament-Commission conference on the open Internet and net neutrality in 2010 and 2013.

Brian Martin
Security History
Brian Martin, aka Jericho, is an industry leading security and risk management specialist and vulnerability historian with an extensive knowledge base and international experience. Martin has been studying, collecting, and cataloging vulnerabilities for over 25 years, personally and professionally. He has been involved in all aspects of the vulnerability disclosure process, including finding new vulnerabilities, exploiting software, writing advisories, coordinating disclosure, and working with a variety of organizations to improve vulnerability handling and response. As a former Unix administrator and penetration tester, his experience gives a practical real-world view into how criminals operate and how to leverage that knowledge to better protect organizations. He is formerly the VP of Vulnerability Intelligence at Risk Based Security, now Vulnerability Historian and a manager of the VulnDB offering at Flashpoint Intelligence, the most comprehensive and accurate vulnerability database in the world.

Janine Medina
Health, Workforce
After serving in the United States Marine Corps, Janine Medina (Nina Alli) has worked in the biomedical community since 2006, particularly in building, breaking, and securing the Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) in the NYC ambulatory and hospital systems. She holds graduate degrees in Biomedical and Health Informatics and Translational Medicine (with a focus on medical devices). Her career in health informatics can be summarized as the ability to leverage information and security technologies, analytics, and models of biomedical and healthcare delivery to optimize individual well-being and population health outcomes. Nina has been at the helm of the Biohacking Village at DEF CON since 2015. She has since graduated it from a grassroots level, 9 talk village in 2014, bringing together security researchers, to integrating Medical Device Manufacturers, Citizen Scientists, and Hands-On lab together to share findings, discover vulnerabilities, and existing solutions, unmet needs, opportunities, market and path to commercialization.

Whitney Merrill
Whitney Merrill (@wbm312) is Privacy & Data Counsel at Brex. Previously she was Privacy, eCommerce & Consumer Protection Counsel at Electronic Arts (EA) and an attorney at the Federal Trade Commission, where she worked on a variety of consumer protection matters including data security, privacy, and deceptive marketing and advertising. Whitney received her master's degree in Computer Science and J.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her graduate research examining privacy and security abuses by ad libraries on Android was published in the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS). She was awarded Duo Security's 2017 Women in Security Award and named one of the 2017 Top Women in Cybersecurity by CyberScoop. In her free time, she also runs the Crypto & Privacy Village, a non-profit focused on privacy and cryptography education, which appears DEF CON, a hacker conference, each year.

Katie Moussouris
Katie Moussouris is the founder and CEO of Luta Security ( Moussouris's recent work includes helping the U.S. Department of Defense start the government's first bug bounty program, called "Hack the Pentagon." Her earlier Microsoft work encompassed industry-leading initiatives such as Microsoft's bug bounty programs and Microsoft Vulnerability Research. Moussouris is also an invited technical expert selected to assist directly in the US Wassenaar negotiations on the inclusion of intrusion software and intrusion software technology, helping to renegotiate broad wording to minimize unintended consequences to the defense of the Internet. She is also a subject matter expert for the U.S. National Body of the International Standards Organization (ISO) in vuln disclosure (29147), vuln handling processes (30111), and secure development (27034). Moussouris is a visiting scholar with the MIT Sloan School, doing research on the vulnerability economy and exploit market.
She is a New America cybersecurity fellow and Harvard Belfer affiliate. Moussouris is on the CFP review board for RSA, O'Reilly Security Conference, Shakacon, and is an advisor to the Center for Democracy and Technology.

Miranda Mowbray
Dr. Miranda Mowbray is a lecturer in Computer Science and co-Investigator​ for the centre for doctoral training in Interactive Artificial Intelligence​ at the University of Bristol. Prior to joining the faculty of University of Bristol, she gained over 25 years' ​ experience of industrial research at Hewlett Packard Labs as a principal research scientist. Her research interests include big data ethics and the​ application of data science to cybersecurity. Her PhD is in​ Algebra, from London University.

Jennifer Mueller
Jennifer Mueller is an associate professor of management in the University of San Diego School of Business, where she teaches organizational behavior and leadership classes at both the undergraduate and MBA levels. Mueller’s research examines the costs and benefits of collaboration in teams, as well as the biases people have against creative ideas and creative people. She has published several articles in top management journals including: Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology and Psychological Science. Mueller is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Psychology as well as Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. She has held positions at several business schools including Yale School of Management and the Stern School of Business at NYU, and she was an assistant professor in the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania for seven years before joining USD in 2012.

Brendan O'Connor
Brendan O’Connor is a policy advocate, security researcher and consultant based in Seattle, WA. He works for GitHub’s public policy team, where he focuses on information security, international law, and software developers’ ability to innovate. As a consultant, his work focuses on assisting corporations and law firms with security, risk management, and information governance needs. His research focuses on distributed sensing and disposable computing, and through his consultancy, Malice Afterthought, he was awarded two DARPA Cyber Fast Track research contracts. He has presented at computer security conferences in the United States and abroad, including the Black Hat USA and Europe conferences, DEF CON, Paranoia, ShmooCon, RSA, and ThotCon. He spent four terms as Vice-Chair of the ABA’s Information Security Committee (2014-2018). He holds the degrees of Bachelor and Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University, and Juris Doctor (with honors) from the University of Wisconsin Law School; he is admitted to the bar in Montana and Washington. His website is

Kurt Opsahl - Distinguished Legal Practitioner
Kurt Opsahl is the Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. In addition to representing clients on civil liberties, free speech and privacy law, Opsahl counsels on EFF projects and initiatives. Opsahl is the lead attorney on the Coders' Rights Project, and is representing several companies who are challenging National Security Letters. Before joining EFF, Opsahl worked at Perkins Coie, where he represented technology clients with respect to intellectual property, privacy, defamation, and other online liability matters, including working on Kelly v. Arribasoft, MGM v. Grokster and CoStar v. LoopNet. For his work responding to government subpoenas, Opsahl is proud to have been called a "rabid dog" by the Department of Justice. Prior to Perkins, Opsahl was a research fellow to Professor Pamela Samuelson at the U.C. Berkeley School of Information Management & Systems. Opsahl received his law degree from Boalt Hall, and undergraduate degree from U.C. Santa Cruz. Opsahl co-authored "Electronic Media and Privacy Law Handbook." In 2007, Opsahl was named as one of the "Attorneys of the Year" by California Lawyer magazine for his work on the O'Grady v. Superior Courtappeal. In 2014, Opsahl was elected to the USENIX Board of Directors.

Davi Ottenheimer
Davi Ottenheimer, President of flyingpenguin and Head of Security for the Solid mission, has more than twenty-five years’ experience managing global security operations and assessments, and over a decade of leading incident response and digital forensics. He is co-author of the book “Securing the Virtual Environment: How to Defend the Enterprise Against Attack,” published in May 2012 by Wiley. He has served as head of security across multiple industries including data storage and management vendors (EMC, MongoDB, Yahoo!), the world’s largest investment fund manager at that time (BGI), an international retailer/wholesaler (West Marine), and higher education and aerospace (UCSC, UARC, UIowa). At Yahoo! for example his role was the “dedicated paranoid” responsible for user safety in global IoT (hundreds of millions of mobile/cellular, broadband and cable products).
He was a qualified PCI DSS and PA-DSS assessor (QSA and PA-QSA) with K3DES, and he has served as a Board Member for the Payment Card Industry Security Alliance and also the Silicon Valley chapters of ISACA and OWASP. He has been quoted or written articles on security, risk management and compliance for publications including Reuters, Wired, Compliance Week, Search Security, Bank Info Security, Network World, Red Herring, Chain Store Age, Inc, and SC Magazine.

Pedro Pavon
Pedro Pavón is was formerly a Director and Senior Corporate Counsel at Salesforce. He was previously Assistant General Counsel for Global Data Protection at Honeywell International, where he advised Honeywell executives on data privacy and data security, data licensing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and general data protection and information privacy risk. Prior to joining Honeywell, he worked as Senior Managing Counsel for Oracle Corporation, and before that, he practiced law at a national law firm. Before entering private practice, Pedro served as counsel to the Assistant Attorney General of the United States at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.; attorney advisor and program manager at the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington, D.C.; and attorney advisor at the Department of Justice in Miami, Florida. Pedro’s expertise is in global data protection law in the context of product development and sales, mergers and acquisitions, and development and deployment of artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions.

Stephanie K. Pell
Stephanie Pell is an Associate Professor and Cyber Ethics Fellow at West Point’s Army Cyber Institute (ACI), with joint appointments to the Department of English and Philosophy and the Department of Law, where she teaches courses in cyber ethics and constitutional and military law. She writes about privacy, cybersecurity, surveillance, and national security law and policy, and is particularly interested in the tensions at the nexus of efforts to enable law enforcement’s traditional public safety mission and concurrent attempts to make our communications networks and devices more secure. Prior to joining the ACI faculty, Professor Pell served as Majority Counsel to the House Judiciary Committee under then Chairman John Conyers, serving as lead counsel on Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) reform and PATRIOT Act reauthorization during the 111th Congress. Professor Pell was also a federal prosecutor for over fourteen years, working as a Senior Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General, as a Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General of the National Security Division, and as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida. Professor Pell is an Affiliate Scholar at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School.

Jay Radcliffe
Jay Radcliffe is a cyber security researcher at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Jay has conducted pioneering research into medical device security during his more than 15 years of experience in the InfoSec community. Jay has spoken at dozens of conferences and seminars around the world, and his master’s work at the SANS Technical Institute has inspired him to mentor young professionals.

Alison Powell
Dr. Alison Powell is Assistant Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at the London School of Economics, where she was inaugural programme director for the MSc Media and Communications (Data and Society). She researches how people’s values influence the way technology is built, and how technological systems in turn change the way we work and live together. Dr Powell blogs at and contributes occasional thoughts on Internet freedom and openness to the LSE Media Policy Project blog. Outside of academia she plays the violin, trains in circus arts, and gets obsessed about her garden.

Qwerty is an essential member of PILOT Lab. Her interests include balls, sticks, other toys, peanut butter, and ensuring that all Americans understand how easy it is to vote by mail. When she's not hard at work in a funny costume, she can usually be found with PILOT lab fellow, Mike Antonino. She is a very good dog.

Judith Rauhofer
Judith Rauhofer is a Lecturer in IT Law at the University of Edinburgh and an Associate Director of the Centre for Studies of Intellectual Property and Technology Law (SCRIPT). Her research interests include the commercial and fundamental rights aspects of online privacy and electronic surveillance, data protection, information security and all areas of e-commerce and internet law and policy. Judith is qualified as a Rechtsanwalt in Germany and as a solicitor in England and Wales. She has worked in legal practice for several years, advising clients from the media and new media industries on aspects of e-commerce, data protection and IT law. She continues to provide consultancy services in the area of e-commerce and data protection compliance.
Judith is a member of the Executive of British and Irish Law, Eductation and Technology Association (BILETA) and of the Advisory Councils to the Open Rights Group (ORG) and the foundation for information policy research (fipr). Judith is a Founding Editor of the European Data Protection Law Review. She also serves as a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Law and Technology.

Burkhard Schafer
Burkhard Schafer's main field of interest is the interaction between law, science and computer technology, especially computer linguistics. How can law, understood as a system, communicate with systems external to it, be it the law of other countries (comparative law and its methodology) or science (evidence, proof and trial process). As a co-founder and co-director of the Joseph Bell Centre for Legal Reasoning and Forensic Statistics, he helps to develop new approaches to assist lawyers in evaluating scientific evidence and develop computer models which embody these techniques. He's involved with a number of organisations that promote the exchange between computer science and law, including the German Association for Informatics, BILETA, and the Evidence and Investigation network of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research. He's also on the Nomination Committee of the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law. He is currently the Director of the SCRIPT Centre for IT and IP law, working mainly on issues such as privacy compliant software architecture and more generally the scope and limits of representing legal concepts directly in the internet infrastructure.

Abigail Slater
Tech Competition
Gail Slater is a DC internet policy maven with a passion for Info Sec (the interwebs' original sin). She spent ten years at the FTC where she met Professor Matwyshyn before heading to the private sector and the DC Swamp.
Mark Stanislav
Mark Stanislav is the Director of Security Engineering for Duo Security. Stanislav has spoken internationally at over 100 events, including RSA, DEF CON, SOURCE Boston, Codegate, SecTor and THOTCON. His security research and initiatives have been featured by news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, CNET, Good Morning America and Forbes. Stanislav is the Author of the book Two-Factor Authentication. Stanislav holds a BS in networking and IT administration and an MS in technology studies focused on information assurance, both from Eastern Michigan University. During his time at EMU, Stanislav built the curriculum for two courses focused on Linux administration and taught as an adjunct lecturer for two years.

Alka Tandan
Alka Tandan is a principal and founder of Turbine, a customer intelligence research firm. With over 15 years experience as a B2B market researcher and strategist for Fortune 500 companies, Alka is a recognized customer intelligence expert known for helping companies increase customer loyalty and business profitability. Prior to founding Turbine, she was the VP of Customer Success at Vision Critical.

Michael Veale
Dr. Michael Veale is Lecturer in Digital Rights and Regulation in the Faculty of Laws at University College London, and Digital Charter Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. His research sits at the intersections of emerging digital technologies, Internet and data law, technology policy and human–computer interaction. Michael has authored and co-authored reports for a range of organisations, including the Law Society of England and Wales on Algorithms in the Justice System, the Royal Society and British Academy on the future of data governance, the United Nations on AI and public services, and the Commonwealth Secretariat on electoral cybersecurity. He has worked with a range of government departments and regulators in various capacities around issues of emerging technologies, law and society, including in the UK and the Netherlands. He holds a PhD from UCL, an MSc from Maastricht University and a BSc from the London School of Economics. Michael is a member of the Advisory Council of the Open Rights Group. He tweets at @mikarv, and has other things at

Elizabeth Wharton
Elizabeth (Liz), founder of Silver Key Strategies, brings her extensive legal, public policy, and business acumen to advise researchers and scale tech companies. With diverse private and public sector counsel positions, including counsel and executive leadership, she led two cybersecurity startups through multiple funding rounds and served as Sr Asst City Attorney for technology at Atlanta's airport and on Atlanta’s 2018 ransomware incident response team. In addition to regularly speaking and presenting at conferences, Liz contributes to the community as a member of the Rural Technology Fund Board, DEFCON CFP Review Board, Aerospace Village Board, and as a mentor. Honored as the 2022 “Cybersecurity or Privacy Woman Law Professional of the Year” by the United Cybersecurity Alliance, Liz holds a J.D. from Georgia State University College of Law and a B.A. from Virginia Tech.

Beau Woods
Beau Woods is a Cyber Safety Innovation Fellow with the Atlantic Council, a leader with the I Am The Cavalry grassroots initiative, and Founder/CEO of Stratigos Security. His work bridges the gap between the security research and public policy communities, to ensure connected technology that can impact life and safety is worthy of our trust. He formerly served as Entrepreneur in Residence with the US FDA, and Managing Principle Consultant at Dell SecureWorks. Over the past several years in this capacity, he has consulted with the energy, healthcare, automotive, aviation, rail, and IoT industries, as well as cyber security researchers, US and international policy makers, and the White House. Beau is a published author, frequent public speaker, often quoted in media, and is often engaged for public or private speaking venues.

Chris Wysopal
Chris Wysopal is Veracode's CTO and Co-Founder, is responsible for the company's software security analysis capabilities. In 2008 he was named one of InfoWorld's Top 25 CTO's and one of the 100 most influential people in IT by eWeek. One of the original vulnerability researchers and a member of L0pht Heavy Industries, he has testified on Capitol Hill in the US on the subjects of government computer security and how vulnerabilities are discovered in software. He published his first advisory in 1996 on parameter tampering in Lotus Domino and has been trying to help people not repeat this type of mistake for 15 years. He is also the author of "The Art of Software Security Testing" published by Addison-Wesley.

Kim Zetter